Saturday, February 9, 2008

New Decks

Pissing down with rain yet again.

Have decided to go with new decks. I have a few sheets of 3mm and 4mm
Gaboon ply so that's what I will be using.

I have installed deck strigers and deck beams for the foredeck.

Still have a couple of deck beams to install.

For those who are interested:

The original foredeck wieghs 3kg.

This is what I am putting in:
4mm ply foredeck = 2Kg (cut 25mm oversize)

Cedar deck beams and stringers = 910g

New subdeck for spinnaker bridle = 300g

So, with the additional subdeck I will add about 210g.

These wieghts do not include Epoxy, so it will be a little more.

I think it will be far stronger though. The old decks are pretty
tired and I think there is a good chance that you damage them when
you remove them from the hulls.

The deck beams in the photo are cut to the measuring template. I will
make sure they are fair with one another with a long sanding board.

BTW those deck beams are 28 x 28 cedar cut out with a AU$14 jig saw.
That saw has already built a previous boat.

I am wondering how long it has left.

Heard from my eldest son and his girlfriend. They are in Europe now. They went overseas with us in December and stayed. I dropped them at the Greyhound station in Kelowna BC on January 2nd, since then they have been to Mexico, Cuba, Belize, Guettemulla(sp?), UK, Now in France and heading to the Netherlands.

They are 20yrs old and financed the trip themselves.

I have always encouraged my kids to get out and see the world and I am stoked that these two are seeing so much.

My daughter, natasha, is thinking of trying to get work at Whistler when the 2010 Olympics are on. If she can land it it would be a great gig.

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